Our Purpose

Welcome to our Healthy Habits forum, sponsored by Relishing Motherhood. We are kicking off our New for 2009 Challenge on January 12th. Leave a comment to join us.

And special thanks to our contributing bloggers, whose profiles and links appear in the sidebar.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

I'm Still Here

Sorry about not providing a forum lately for reporting. I have been busy, not doing very well on the exercise portion of my goals, and putting off blogging in general.

So, the good news is that I have been doing better at eating fruits and veggies daily and scripture study was great last week. I only missed Saturday, which was an absolutely crazy day (not that that makes it okay.)

Is anyone interested in helping me with this blog by doing some of the posts? I'd be happy to share with you. It doesn't need to be long. You can talk about what helps or hinders your ability to accomplish your goals, share an inspiring quote, or whatever you like. I think we'd be better off having a new post every couple of days at least, and that just seems to be beyond my bandwidth right now. If not, we'll just deal with a weekly post and then we can leave comments all week on that one post.

Take a moment to report on your goals. We need to hear from you!


MOMof6 said...

Goals- oh where have you gone? I am sitting here watching the snow just pour down on us in Wisconsin. We have had 6 inches just since I woke up this morning. I'll be shoveling again soon and that will be my exercise. I'm still craving meat and carbs like crazy. I have to force myself to eat fruits and veggies. I'm barely getting 2 maybe 3 a day. So if anyone has any ideas how to make fruits and veggies more appealing in the midst of freezing cold snow please let me know. I remember while on my mission in Russia I would put on 15 pounds in the winter. A little insulation!!! I think it must be the way my body survives the cold. I'm just praying that won't happen here in this cold cold place. Cabin fever has set in and a lack of Vitamin D are two more challenges I'm dealing with. Scriptures have been going great. I have really been enjoying this months Ensign articles. So many inspiring stories.

Rebecca Blevins said...

Do you know that silly song that starts out with a nursery rhyme like this:

"Old Mother Hubbard went to the cupboard to give her poor dog a bone,

But when she was there the cupboard was bare so she...

Threw it out the window, the window, she threw it out the window, when she got there the cupboard was there so she threw it out the window."

Well, substitute my goals for the nursery rhyme and that's what happened. I still read my scriptures most days, but I was still feeling yucky and with everything else my exercise has flown out the window. I think tonight I'm going to get some by hauling boxes downstairs to the basement. If my stretching baby ligaments will let me. You'd think by the fourth one they'd be as stretched as they ever will be.

I admit, not having posts makes me not as accountable. I think I could help, as long as no one beats me up if I miss a day here and there!

The daily updates helped the most. I agree we need one every couple of days at the least.

My email is onecoolcucumber at gmail dot com if you want my help.

Michal said...

oh, julia (mom of 5), how i remember those cold russian winters. we'd eat bread with potatoes for dinner! never before had it occurred to me that bread and potatoes went together, but in russia they do! shoveling snow does seem like good exercise, though. my best trick for fruits and veggies is to have them in plain sight. keep some apples, bananas, and oranges out on your counter. keep the carrots and sugar snap peas within sight and easy reach in the fridge. try adding a few more things to a salad instead of just tomatoes. i love fruit and nuts in a salad and sometimes that sounds more appealing than a veggie salad. or get all 5 servings in a breakfast smoothie. i posted on my blog this spring about putting spinach and other veggies in our berry-banana smoothies. you might try that. (although it does sound cold.)

Michal said...

i am trying to pull out of my slump today, but having another person writing an occasional post would be lovely. how about you do one on mondays and one over the weekend (any day you want)? i'll plan on at least posting on wednesdays and thursdays. and we'll see what happens.

Michal said...

i am really feeling my exercise go out the window since i got this cold. and since i started doing math with kimball at 6am, which used to be my workout time. i'm just not very good at fitting it into my day otherwise. any thoughts?

Rebecca Blevins said...

I'll do what I can! My weekend post may be a Friday, but we'll see. I'm hoping this will help me be on a better track as well.

You may have to break up your former workout time into smaller chunks if you can't get it all at once.

I institute "quiet time" after lunch or when our schoolwork is over. The kids get to do quiet stuff by themselves, and they are told not to bother me. Sometimes it works. Lately I've been letting them go downstairs into the wild (the basement) and they'll play for a couple of hours. I don't know what they're doing, but since they're so good at tattling on each other I don't worry much.

I hear you about the getting sick thing...I still feel sinusy from the yuckies we had the other week. Blah.

Word Verification: wittions. Pretty cool. Kind of like witticisms?

TheQueen@TerrorsInTiaras said...

Hello. I'm here. I have been doing fairly well at the scripture study before computers, but extra veggies at lunch has been sporadic at best. No service outside our home since the three things Thanksgiving week. We had one on the schedule for today, but we've had sick kids, so that one's gone, too.
Next week will be better....next week will be better...(repeat a thousand times...)

Rebecca Blevins said...

Two days ago I did a good job with reading my scriptures. I also exercised a ton on Wednesday night. After yesterday, I didn't exercise or read my scriptures. Today will be better.

A mother heart said...

It's funny that you mention opening up the posts to others because I had been thinking of suggesting that you might want think about making this a collaborative blog with more than one author. I wouldn't mind joining the author pool. (Although if you have looked at my blog at all in the last month you may not want me. I haven't been so diligent at writing lately.)
Anyhow, just a thought.

As for my goals, MEH. I've been so so staying in my WW points. I went to WW on Monday, though and I only have 5 pounds left to go to get to my WW goal. My personal goal is lower, but at least I won't have to pay to go anymore!

As for scriptures and prayer I am doing ok. Not great, but not horrible either. My prayers need to improve, though.

I hope everyone is doing well!