For more info on For Just One Week, see Ice Cream's blog.
So, I didn't post an update last week because I hadn't achieved my goal of taking care of 5 things that I have been procrastinating. The problem is, I just kept on procrastinating those things, finding that I'd much rather blog, read or pick my toenails than I would file for the AFLAC payment from an injury Kimball had two plus years ago. I guess that's why it's been over 2 years. Sigh.
I do intend to get to the AFLAC thing as well as a tax thingy I've been putting off, but my official goal this week is something entirely different. We had stake conference this past weekend. I'm pretty sure that all of our participants are LDS and know what this means, but just in case I have some lurkers here, it's just a fancy word for a meeting of all of the members of LDS community. On Saturday evening, there is a meeting for the adults, then on Sunday morning there is a meeting for the entire family. Needless to say, as a mother of four young, energetic chidlren, I get a lot more out of the Saturday evening session!
One of the speakers on Saturday night said some things that triggered ideas and thoughts for me. I'm not sure that he actually talked about how prayer can help us become the people whom we want to become, but that's what I took away. And I set a little goal to myself for this week to schedule real, sincere, on-my-knees, prayers several times throughout the day when I know I'll need extra strength. I have been struggling more since I got pregnant with energy levels and shortness of temper, and I really want my children's homeschool experience (and mine) to be a positive one. So I set the goal this week to pray daily at the following times: 6:30 am, 8:45 am (right before we officially start the school day), at Bronwen's naptime, and around 4:30 pm, or just when I'm getting ready to start making dinner. And of course at bedtime. I know that it might be silly to schedule prayers, but I really want to call on the powers of heaven this week to make me stronger than I am by myself (and stronger than I am with a prayer in the morning and night). I want help to not get cross at my children, to see them as Heavenly Father sees them, to not crab at my husband, and to teach my children each day in the way that He would have me teach them. So there's my goal. I will definitely report back to you on how it goes.
Now, regarding the free point (I know that I tricked many of you into reading just to find out about it,) I'm actually talking about last week's. I'm wondering who would rather have an additional point as opposed to having a dollar shaved off their penalty. Leave a comment and let me know, preferably also sharing with us how the week went for you. I hope you were able to think outside the box on your exercise and try something new.
Gotta go--the baby just woke up from her nap.
Was it only last week that we could have gotten the extra point? Seems like months ago...Things are just starting to blur together here....
Anyway, I would like the extra point, as I recall last week was a rough week. Also a few weeks ago I was sick for two days, but couldn't figure out how to put in for two days of sick time. I managed to put in one little square for one day off - but aren't we allowed two in one week (since I REALLY was sick - dr. visit and all...)
How many sick days do we get? How much longer are we going?
Hanging on by a thread...
Personal preayer is something I reeally need to work on. I used to pray every night before bed without fail. Nowadays I barely make it to bed with my eyes open and I'm cradeling a baby to boot. But I'm sure I could do like you and fit them in throughout my day. I know for a fact that I am moree patient when I've prayed.
I love the idea of having time scheduled prayers. I need to try that. It is so hard to have a quiet moment with kids, but if it is scheduled in you can tell the kids to wait a minute and shut the door. I guess you could do that anyway, but if it is in the schedule I would be much more likely to remember to do it! Great idea!
I'm considering joining your challenge again. When does this session of goals end and a new one start? Or can I jump in now?
I love the scheduled prayers. I don't see anything wrong with that at all if it helps you to pray for strength rather than waiting until all H breaks loose and then frantically crying for help (um...I might be speaking from experience here!).
I love this blog. Even though I'm not participating in the challenge, I'm still inspired by it. Also, I love the apples in the heading, they always look so fresh and crisp!
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